Wednesday, June 16, 2021

watto gets baptized

i am good friends with a little alien you might know. he has a little trunk like a baby elephant, he has beautiful wings like an angel, and he comes from the planet of toydaria. no i'm not trying to name-drop here. i'm not like your friend who claims that he smoked weed with the guys from dinosaur jr. behind a food truck that sells "fucked-up psychopathic elotes." this is for real. i am friends with watto and recently watto has come to christ.

many think that my friend watto is jewish. that is simply not true. they don't have a lot of jews on the planet of toydaria. i don't know why they just don't make it out there a lot. watto was kind of an agnostic type guy. he didn't really grow up with religion. he was too busy buying and selling slaves on the desert planet of tatooine. 

would hate to be one of watto's little busted ass slave boys

recently though watto has been taking an interest in christianity. it started with little things. whenever i had a meal with watto he would pray before he started eating. watto started putting a bunch of hyper-detailed crucifixion sculptures on the wall just like my filipino friend's mom did in middle school. watto stopped making love to his girlfriend which certainly caused some friction (she left him recently and moved back home with her parents). 

then one day he came to me and asked me what i would think if he chose to get baptized. i said i would support him. we called up a priest and booked a date for the ceremony. 

watto's baptism was the event of the century. everyone was there. han solo, plo koon, nute gunray, sebulba the podracer, darth maul, boss nass, depa billaba, wat tambor, and even the brave twi'lek jedi aayla secura 

uhhhhhhh sorry what was i saying again

the priest baptised watto and now watto is saved. i tried to chat up aayla secura at the ceremony after but she seemed kinda busy so i just ate a cheese danish and hung out for a while. i saw her on hinge later but she didn't match with me.

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